Top Keywords and Phrases Leading to My Website

by Ben Best

In February, 2005 I did a keyword and phrase search using the Google (, MSN ( and Yahoo ( search engines and got the best responses with the following keywords and phrases -- either first item on the first page or an item somewhere on the first page.

The following keywords and phases produced one of my webpages appearing first on the first page of all the MSN, Yahoo and Google results:

The following keywords and phases produced one of my webpages appearing first on the first page of both the Yahoo and Google result:

The following keywords and phases produced one of my webpages appearing first on the first page of only the Google result:

The following keywords and phases produced one of my webpages appearing first on the first page of only the MSN result:

The following keywords and phases produced one of my webpages appearing first on the first page of only the Yahoo result:

The following keywords and phases produced one of my webpages appearing somewhere on the first page of the both the Yahoo and Google result:

The following are some of the more notable keywords and phases produced one of my webpages appearing somewhere on the first page of only the Google result (I have only selected the ones that are only most meaningful to me):

The following are some of the more notable keywords and phases produced one of my webpages appearing somewhere on the first page of only the Yahoo result (I have only selected the ones that are only most meaningful to me):